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Year In Review 2023-2024

I finished my first year at UC! This year has brought me many different opportunities and organizations, but the two that stick out in shaping my year are UC Choruses and Delta Sigma Pi. My biggest fear coming into my first year was meeting new people and finding my place at a big school.


I have been in choir since I was 8 and naturally, I wanted to stay in choir! Although unrelated to my career goals and majors, the choir was an important part of my class schedule. It brought me some of my closest friends and an outlet for stress. To have a hobby I enjoy so much in my week, I had a place to escape the obligations of other classes, and express myself. Working with such poised directors and students, I have learned a lot about perfecting my singing and people!


Pledging Delta Sigma Pi was a terrifying task for me. Being forced to interact with new people was daunting, but the hospitality was unparalleled. DSP is a business fraternity, so now I have an organization of friends both outside and inside of the College of Business. To have upperclassmen to turn to for career advice and help with internships is a valuable tool and having brothers in classes creates a community within Lindner.


All in all, my first year at UC was wildly successful, although I have so much more to accomplish. I'd like to end my year in review with goals for next year. I would like to

-Be more social

-Try new things

Thank you UC, I am looking forward to year 2!

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